Dear ???
It has been ‘x’ months now since you joined the association.
We like to check that you are happy with what you have received and used so far and would be grateful if you could take a few minutes to answer the questions below and fax it to us or return it in the enclosed reply paid envelope.
We look forward to receiving your comments.
Kind regards
Membership Manager
PS: We always reward the best suggestion every month of how we can better meet your needs with a £x coupon for money off books or seminars – so don’t forget to answer question 4!
1. Have you received the following information that we have sent to you?
Welcome pack………………..[ ] Yes [ ] No
Membership card……………[ ] Yes [ ] No
Newsletter……………………….[ ] Yes [ ] No
Seminar catalogue………….[ ] Yes [ ] No
Continue to list other information you have sent…
2. Which products and services have you used and how useful were they to you:
Local branch meetings……[ ] Yes – Comment……………………………… [ ] Not used
Training & seminars….……[ ] Yes – Comment……………………………… [ ] Not used
Conferences………………..[ ] Yes – Comment……………………………… [ ] Not used
Publications………..….……[ ] Yes – Comment……………………………… [ ] Not used
Library services……………[ ] Yes – Comment……………………………… [ ] Not used
Continue to list other products and services you offer…
NB: Please continue any detailed comments below/overleaf.
3. Do you have any questions about your membership, benefits or the association?
4. Do you have any suggestions how we can better meet your needs or the needs of other new members?
5. Are you pleased with your membership so far?
[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Other…………………………………………………………
6. How likely is it that you will continue with your membership?
[ ] Likely [ ] Not likely because………………………………………………………..
The contact details we have for you on are database are:
Name: Organisation:
Address: Telephone:
Fax: Email:
Membership Number: Other:
We would be grateful if you could let us know if any need amending
Thank you for taking the time to let us have your feedback.
Please faxback to ????? or return this form in the reply paid envelope.